Part of the inspiration for making sets of badges is a webpage called, which allows kids to earn patches in a variety of skills--and, of course, pay for physical patches. It's aimed at kids a bit older than Cai, but a lot of the newbie tasks are within his reach, with help.

It seemed like a good idea to make my own badges, with multiple tasks, tied strongly to the Australian Curriculum, and spending more time and educational focus on each badge. After a while, I came up with the Homeschool Pokemon Cards idea.

In the meantime, though, there's no reason not to do DIY patches as well.

Cai came up with the idea of making pizza himself, inspired by his favourite YouTubers, and of course there is a Pizza Maker badge. :)

Here, in all its glory, is Cai's scratch Thermomix pizza dough.

This led naturally enough to exploring how yeast and gluten work, watching kid-friendly videos on it, and watching (and planning) the balloon and yeast science trick.
We made sauce from scratch, with lots of hidden veg, rolled out the dough together,  and then Cai wanted to tape the making of his personal pizza.

So, how did it turn out?
Pretty good!

Pizza Making

Posted on

Sunday 3 December 2017



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